Authorizing the Connector Endpoints

Create/Define Integration Users

Accela Civic Platform Authorization

Velosimo requires a named user within Accela that has Full Access to FID 0364.

Please remember to select the correct Accela tenant when prompted (TEST/SUPP/PROD)

DocuSign Authorization

An administrative user with rights to create envelopes is recommended for the integration user.

Velosimo configures non-Production tenants to use and Production tenants to use

When using authorization at, use a DocuSign account that matches the Tenant being authorized. For example, if you are authorizing the Velosimo tenant "AGENCYNAME_SUPP", as a non-PROD tenant this would be tied to DocuSign accounts at For a Velosimo tenant with a name of "AGENCYNAME_PROD", this would be tied to DocuSign accounts at

Authorizing the Connector Endpoints

Navigate to and login with appropriate user credentials.

Once logged in, click Authorizations from the left side menu:


Velosimo Authorizations

Click the Authorize button to begin the process of authorization for each endpoint. Use the Integration users defined from the process above for each respective login.