Configure: SeamlessDoc to Microsoft Teams
-You must connect SeamlessDocs to Velosimo to complete the next step:
Connect SeamlessDocs to Velosimo
-The Authorization of Microsoft Team should be set before.
Authorizing Microsoft Team
Access your Form(s)
In velosimo’s GovOS SeamlessDocs administration portal under Form Settings, administration users have the ability to filter and create user specific form lists.
As a new user, the form list will be blank. To populate your user-specific form list, filter and select specific forms that you want to configure or to easily access.
- Navigate to “Form Settings” in the left menu under the SeamlessDocs integration node
- Select "+ ADD USER FORMS

To find your desired form(s), you can filter on any of the attributes by entering data or selecting from the form type drop down to filter/search for the form(s). The filter attributes include:
Form Name, Form Type (web forms or document forms), user email address associated with the form, created date or modified date.

Once you have filter results you can select the desired form(s) that should be on your form list every time you access "Form Settings".
- Select the check box for the form you would like to add to your Form Setting list
- Select Add
Note: if the check box is greyed out, that indicates that the form already exists in your "Form Settings" view.

Configure SeamlessDoc Form to Microsoft Team
Navigate to “Form Settings” in the left menu under the SeamlessDocs integration node and select a form to configure.

Select the Microsoft Team tab and set the slider to the right to select "Enable send".

Select “Teams”. Click the icon on the right to to reload channels and confirm this operation.

Insert the subject. You can save additional attachments, select "Save Default" to save the submission file in .pdf format or select "Save Attachment" to save the attachment. You can select "Use AppID" to add the submission ID as part of the file name.

You must configure the content of the card. Insert the message.

You can add other additional data to the card, such as Links and Image. To add a new Link do the following steps:
1-Click the icon on the right to add Links.

2-Click en (...) "Links handling".

3-Select the icon "Add" on the right.

4-Insert "Link name" and "Link value", click on the "Done" icon and the "OK" button.

To add a image copy the URL of the imagen on ¨Image URL¨.

You can see your card settings on the right in the ¨Preview¨ view.

Updated over 2 years ago